From South Dakota Moderate:
It has now been over a month since the Argus broke the $100,000 embezzlement scandal at Hildebrand Tewes (and hasn’t mentioned it since) and almost as long since Steve Hildebrand confirmed the theft and named the person responsible but what has happened since then? Last week I asked someone in the MSM if they had heard anything and as of then they confirmed that nothing had even been forwarded for possible criminal charges.
When asked last month by Kevin Woster from the RCJ, Steve Hildebrand wasn’t sure if he would be pressing charges and apparently he hasn’t but why has nothing come yet from state or federal (IRS payments were involved) law enforcement? I wonder if someone from the casino on the corner was found to have embezzled a few thousand, and all but admitted the theft, if the results would be the same? And is Hildebrand not pressing charges in an effort to shield some of his new high profile clients (Presidential hopeful Barack Obama being one) from unfavorable publicity?
The silence is still deafening…
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