Somebody on the local blogosphere made the argument that the Hildeygate story wasn't really that much of a story. I lost track of who and where I saw that story. I thought it was Dakota Women, but I couldn't find it. Anyway, it is in truth a small story. It only attracts the attention it has among my SDP colleagues and my blogosphere relations because it is more or less in the family. Likewise, the related story of why the Argus Leader has been very quiet about it doesn't look like this year's Watergate. But it is curious that a scandal centered in a Sioux Falls business has been covered almost exclusively by news sources from out of town. And consider the kind of stories that the Argus Leader does cover:
Sioux Falls woman faces drug charges in Iowa
Former DRHS teacher is a big collector of International Harvester Memorabilia.
Now I am no gen-you-wine journalist, but I would have thought that the Argus Leader could have squeezed the story in somewhere between the seal coating and the swine buildings. But what do I know?
Update: Oh heck (heck is where you go when you have been darned by God), the Chad's story is a non-story was on Todd Epp's site, and is attributed to his better half (a logical inference), Donna.
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