Anna popped into her blog, Dakota Women, and has this:
I also came back to discover that Ken Blanchard considers me a second-rate Chad Schuldt substitute, at best. Sigh.
What I said was this:
I think it obvious that Chad went a bit off the rails; but even if that were true, he still served a valuable function in the local conversation. No one took us to task so often over so many things we wrote here. Responding was good for us and good for our readers. These days I have to rely on Anna, but though she is easily as sharp and considerably more eloquent, her interests are more narrow than Chad's were.
Anna was joking, but let me be clear anyway. She is brighter and more reasonable than Chad ever was. But it was very easy to get a rise out of Chad. I just had to say something like "Bush is still President and the weather today was good," and Chad would charge in and say "Bush hates good weather!" To get a response from Anna, I actually have to make a point that is substantial and provocative.
Anna also says this:
I also find myself agreeing with Jon Schaff quite a bit recently, which is really messing with my head.
Now that is indeed troubling, and if I were her, I would seek professional help.
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