One of my favorite students is now working for the Clinton campaign, and she and I have fundamental disagreement: she thinks Severus Snape is indeed a loyal servant of the Dark Lord Voldemort (forgive me for mentioning the name in print, but Dumbledore said it was alright). She certainly has the weight of evidence on her side at the moment. Snape killed Dumbledore. He was once a Death Eater, and has the throbbing tattoo thingy on his arm. He has been an insufferable burden to Harry. Case closed, right?
Here I take my stand. Snape is a son of a bitch. He is not evil. Just before he used the killing curse against Dumbledore, the one that gave Harry his famous scar, Dumbledore pleaded with him. There is no way Dumbledore pleads for his life. No way. He was pleading with Snape to do what he was supposed to do.
The final Harry Potter book comes out next month, and we shall see. I began reading the Harry Potter novels to my son when he was a wee little thing. I have kept it up, and I expect that we will finish the business in the usual way, with the boy in my lap. Only now his legs stretch into another zip code. Keep the faith, ye supporters of Snape. Maybe it's not to late to get him into the Republican race.
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