The Republican presidential candidate debate just concluded on MSNBC. Here are some thoughts.
Mitt Romney: As a candidate, he's quite handsome.
Sam Brownback: I cannot support him due to his robot like cadence.
Jim Gilmore: It's a bad idea to take a valium right before the debate. Who knew that a suit that empty could move so much.
Duncan Hunter: No chance to win, but more impressive that I anticipated.
Mike Huckabee: The only candidate I think better about after this debate, other than Hunter.
Tommy Thompson: He proved once again that he'd make a fantastic mayor of Milwaukee.
John McCain: It's good to see that his age has not hurt is memory. He very ably recited his stump speech over and over.
Ron Paul: Did the impossible in making me think even less of him.
Rudy Guiliani: Surprisingly seemed out of his element and inarticulate.
Tom Tancredo: With good reason, he almost acted embarrassed to be there.
Chris Matthews: Awful. Clearly played favorites and asked asinine questions.
Overall the performance was dreadful and showed why many Republicans are looking elsewhere. I saw a bunch of empty suits reciting platitudes.
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