My hometown paper, the Mitchell Daily Republic, is discussing the possibility of Dusty Johnson running for Congress. Excerpt:
There are at least two obvious reasons that some Republicans want Dusty Johnson to run for the U.S. House of Representatives in 2008.
In a 2004 campaign for a relatively obscure post in state government, he won more votes and raised more money than the 2006 Republican candidate for South Dakota’s House seat.
Johnson, a Mitchell resident, won a spot on the Public Utilities Commission in 2004. In doing so, he garnered 196,974 votes and reported receiving $194,905 in campaign contributions. Conversely, Bruce Whalen earned 97,864 votes and raised $150,447 last year in his failed bid to unseat Democratic U.S. Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin.
Another consideration in Johnson’s decision-making process may be the status of Herseth Sandlin. Some political speculation has her running in 2008 for the U.S. Senate seat currently occupied by Democrat Tim Johnson, who may not be willing or able to run for re-election because of his continuing rehabilitation from a December brain hemorrhage.
If Herseth Sandlin runs for the Senate, it could clear the way for numerous hopefuls to run for the House. Dusty Johnson said Herseth Sandlin’s status will not affect his decision, but said what she does “will affect a lot of people’s decisions.”
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