France goes to the polls Sunday. It will be the first time since 1974 that Chirac has not been on the ballot. From the British Guardian:
Three polls published Friday suggested that Sarkozy strengthened the lead he has commanded for months, giving him a winning margin of between six and nine percentage points. The solid figures for Sarkozy suggested he emerged the victor from the candidates' much-watched televised debate Wednesday, their only face-to-face encounter in the campaign.
It seemed obvious to me that Sarkozy won. Royal has a simple strategy: pester Sarko relentlessly in order to trigger his famous Nixon-like temper. The only problem with that strategy is that it is all or nothing. If it had worked the press would have talked about nothing except Sarko's outburst. But it didn't, and so all one remebers of the debate was an angry woman who couldn't seem to stop interupting everyone.
Not content with that, the Socialist candidate has resorted to crude threats. From the Financial Times:
In the final hours before France elects a new president, the flagging Socialist challenger Ségolène Royal on Friday warned that the centre-right favourite Nicolas Sarkozy was “dangerous” and would unleash “violence and brutality”.
In Ms Royal’s most venomous attack on Mr Sarkozy, she said his election could trigger a recurrence of the riots that shook France’s suburbs 18 months ago.
In other words, if you elect that guy, you will pay dearly for it! Sarkozy gets France, I expect. One wonders whatever will he do with it?
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