I know it's hard to believe, but Time/CNN Online blurted out the truth about the current presidential campaign almost as soon as I did. Plagiarism? We report, you decide. Jay Carney announces "A Surprising G.O.P. Edge for '08:
Could things be any worse for George W. Bush and his beleaguered party? In the new TIME poll, the President's job approval rating continues to wallow near his all-time lows, at 33%, while his disapproval rating breaks the 60% barrier for the third consecutive survey. . . . And then there's the burgeoning scandal stemming from the Justice Department's dismissal last year of eight U.S. attorneys.
So it's taken almost as a given among the professional political class that the 2008 Presidential election is the Democrats' to lose. . . . So why, in poll after poll, including the new TIME poll, does that advantage seem to disappear whenever voters are asked to pick a President in hypothetical head-to-head matchups among front-runners with solid name recognition. In our poll, Hillary Clinton loses to John McCain, 42%-48%, and to Rudy Giuliani 41%-50%. Even though Clinton maintains a 7% edge over Obama among Democratic respondents, Obama fares better in the general election matchups. It's so close that it's a statistical dead heat, but Obama still loses: 43%-45% to McCain, 44%-45% to Giuliani.
Yeah, that's what I pointed out last night. Oops. Carney's piece is dated a day earlier than mine.
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