From the Washington Post blog:
Geffen's animosity toward the Clintons is traced by Dowd to Bill Clinton's decision in the final days of his administration not to pardon Native American activist Leonard Peltier. Peltier had been convicted of the murder of two FBI agents on the Pine Ridge Indian reservation in the late 1970s. Geffen political adviser Andy Spahn had strongly pushed for Peltier's release, with the approval of his boss.
Since that pardon decision, Geffen has made a number of anti-Clinton comments. In 2005, he said Sen. Clinton couldn't win the presidency because she was too "polarizing," adding that "ambition is just not a good enough reason."
Geffen's commentary and the ensuring hubbub reveals the risks that any candidate runs when wooing high-dollar donors to their campaigns. These extremely wealthy individuals are used to speaking their minds whenever and however they see fit. It is a difficult task for any campaign to try and rein them in.
When will the South Dakota media cover this?
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