Some issues that came up at yesterday's Cracker Barrel.
1. The Northern Route to the Black Hills seems dead for now, but there is some indication that the issue will rear its head again next year with greater support from the Legislature.
2. Taxes, Taxes, Taxes. I will not even try to explain the rather byzantine discussion of the various tax proposals being bantered around in Pierre. This looks like it might be a big week for taxes, though. Al Novstrup's HB 1308 is scheduled for discussion and vote in the House on Tuesday and SB 173 later in the week. I think the quote of the day went to Burt Elliott, who stated that SB 173 might be good for some parts of the state, but "it's crap for Brown County."
3. Education. The legislators think that k-12 will get 3% and then around $9 million more. It sounds like there is some discussion as to whether extra money should go into the formula or be treated as one time money.
4. HPV vaccination. This isn't that controverial. Al Novstrup did point out that right now there is only one supplier of the vaccine, but another is one the way. The cost to the state from the one supplier (Merck) is about $1 million for every life saved. Novstrup stated that it is uncomfortable to talk in those terms, but a legislator has to decide whether $1 million for one life here is worth it when you might save ten lives spending that money another way. Still, he did not come out in opposition.
I will leave it at that. I am experiencing massive computer problems so I am not linking to the bills. You can easily find them at the LRC site. My blogging might be light this week as my hard drive slowly dies.
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