When President Bush and the war an Iraq were popular, some on the anti-war side chastised members of Congress for voting for the war out of political expediency. Now that the President and the war are unpopular, we are told from the same anti-war quarters that politicians who defy public opinion are fools at best and malicious at worst. This, of course, is democratic politics and all sides play the game. When public opinion against us, there is no one we champion more than the brave statesmen who stands by his convictions in the wake of criticism. When public opinion is with us, there is no one we loathe more than the foolish politician who has the undemocratic temerity to defy the American people. There are people on both (or all) sides who are political operators, and it is their job to make whatever arguments best suit the political fortunes of their side. It is the job of other people to point this out. (Irony alert) This website, of course, always argues from purest principle and never makes the merely expedient argument.
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