Officials with the South Dakota Senate moments ago released the names of more than a dozen people who have been subpoenaed by both sides to appear in the disciplinary hearing for Sen. Dan Sutton.
They are expected to testify during the hearing, which is scheduled to begin tomorrow afternoon and last through most of the week.
The witnesses include Austin Wiese, the former high school page from Flandreau who says Sutton groped him at a Fort Pierre motel room last year.
The Argus Leader generally does not name people who might be victims of sex crimes, and in previous coverage of this case, the newspaper had not identified Sutton's accuser for that reason.
However, since no charges have been filed in the case, and Austin Wiese is scheduled to testify in public at a legislative hearing this week, the newspaper decided to use his name.
The witness list also includes a staffer for U.S. Rep. Stephanie Herseth, D-South Dakota. That person, Steven Dahlmeier, was subpoenaed by the Senate. He declined to comment this afternoon when contacted at Herseth's Sioux Falls office.
Other witnesses expected to be called by the Senate include Chelsey Gassman and Brady Olson.
Gassman was a legislative page in the House of Representatives last year, according to the House Journal.
Also expected to testify are three members of Wiese's family, all of whom were subpoenaed by the Senate: Anna Wiese, Owen Wiese and Kyle Wiese.
Lawyers for Sutton subpoenaed their own witnesses. They include: Michael Mohr, Mitch Fargen, Rick Weber, Brett Doyle, Rod Clark, Janna Ellingson, Shawn Powers and Noah Johnson.
Both sides subpoenaed Brandon Carr to testify.
Jim McMahon, a Sioux Falls attorney who has been hired to represent the Senate, said last week that he may call one or two other people as witnesses, including an investigator with the state Division of Criminal Investigation.
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