What comes first: politics or war? Answer: war, at least according to one panel I listened to this morning. Out of 72 cases where tribal societies began to organize politically for the first time, that is, a hierarchy of authority emerged with chiefs, soliders, and subjects, in all but three cases it was a response to frequent attacks by less organized outsiders. For those of you who like big government, it is interesting to note that we probably wouldn't have government at all if it weren't for our chimpanzee like tendency to form a group so we can rush and beat the snot out of some other group.
I picked up a copy of the MIM Notes in the Indiana University student union. That's Maoist Internatioalist Movement. It has articles like " New Generation of Amerikan Lackeys and Opponents." At the website you can download Mao's writings. I do not hesitate to point out that Mao Tse Tung was probably the single most successful serial killer in human history. He murdered well over one hundred million of his fellow Chinese. That, I think, exceeds the death toll for the second world war. I quote from Wikipedia: "MIM was founded in 1983 from a group called RADACADS (for "RADical ACADemics") at Harvard/Radcliffe University." You just about have to have a Harvard degree to be this stupid, or wicked, or both.
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