Don't you hate it when churches take positions on political issues and try to tell us how we should vote? The proponents of such measures are often denounced as "theocrats." Unless, of course, they agree with us, and then it's just a sign of how enlightened and decent they are, unlike our opponents who are evil and malicious. Why we even bother with self-government is beyond me. The liberals are so clearly more compassionate than the rest of us. I now officially call for the Tyranny of the Compassionate to begin. Please, kill us with your kindness.
Lest there be confusion, I don't think anyone in South Dakota is a theocrat, and am on the record as welcoming all kinds of religious voices into the public realm (see, for example, the end of this post on Barak Obama). If we are to criticize such voices it should be based on the merits of their arguments, not based on the perceived audacity of religious people to even speak about public matters.
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