Jack Billion press secretary Todd Epp supports the statements of Keith Olbermann last night idiotically comparing the Bush Administration to both fascists and Neville Chamberlain. You can see the video here. This is part of Olbermann's commentary on a speech by Donald Rumsfeld. Mr. Epp, and the campaign for which he works, need to be made aware Olbermann was apparently relying on wildly inaccurate reports on the Rumsfeld speech, as is demonstrated here. So Olbermann was going into apoplexy over things Rumsfeld never said. Read the Rumsfeld speech here.
Please watch the video at about minute 5:30. Here is where Olberman not so subtly implies that George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld are fascists. Here it is from the transcript:
And about Mr. Rumsfeld‘s other main assertion of that this country faces a new type of fascism as he was correct to remind us that a government that knew everything could get everything wrong. So too was he right when he said that. Though probably not in the way he thought he meant. This country faces a new type of fascism, indeed.
Does Jack Billion agree with Keith Olbermann that our nation is facing new fascists, George Bush and/or Donald Rumsfeld? If not, will he denounce his press secretary for endorsing the notion that it is?
Everything Olbermann says about the Bush administration (namely that they are convinced of their own moral and intellectual superiority and belittle the morality and intelligence of their opponents) could easily be directed at Olbermann and his puerile hatred of the President (from what I understand, Olbermann refuses to say "President Bush," instead calling the President simply "Mr. Bush"). Is it not those like Olbermann who claim that Bush is a dunce manipulated by an evil cabal of immoral "neo-conservatives" and oil interests (indeed, Olbermann claims that Bush, Cheney and their "cronies" are profiting, monetarily presumably, from their actions)? Finally, does it not seem odd that Olbermann should compare Bush to the great appeaser, Neville Chamberlain, when is it Bush who seeks to fight the modern fascists (or whatever you want to call them) while many (not all) of those who share Olbermann's views believe that military confrontation with our enemies only encourages them.
If this is the kind of political discourse favored by those in the Billion campaign, they deserve a serious and embarrassing defeat; not because of anyone's position on the war, but because Olbermann is clearly an angry extremist who seeks to lower, not elevate, the political discourse. He appeals to anger and resentment, with a willingness to compare his political opponents to the worst figures in modern history. I am saddened and deeply disappointed that Todd Epp should endorse such vile. There is an honorable and decent opposition to Bush and the war. It is not represented by haters like Keith Olbermann.
At a minimum, I would ask Mr. Epp to realize that Olbermann was totally inaccurate in his description of Rumsfeld's speech. As such his is an unreliable voice. Epp should retract his praise of Olberman's rant.
Update: Oh! Sweet irony. Todd correctly whacks Mr. Sibson for calling Jack Billion a communist, but George Bush a fascist? Well everyone knows that's true.
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