I know nothing special about the Duane Sutton situation (see here and here) but PP at SDWC may be jumping to conclusions. The RCJ quotes Sutton as saying the state Democrats contacted him. Dave Newquist has stated that Sutton contacted the Brown County Democrats. Those are not mutually exclusive stories. It is possible that Sutton was contacted by the state Dems and then on his own contacted county Democrats such as Prof. Newquist. Sutton and Newquist could be telling different parts of the same story. Not to sound naive, but I have no reason to think either Sen. Sutton or Dave Newquist gain anything by fudging this story.
On this crazy professor story, I respectfully disagree with Jay Reding and agree with the Captain. If it is unfair to tarnish the conservative blogosphere with the worst elements on the right (e.g., Ann Coulter), then it is unfair to do the same to the left. Mama always used to say, "Two wrongs don't make a right." Whatever its other vices, the left-wing blogosphere bears no responsibility for this vicious attack.
On a totally unrelated note, I just noticed that Typepad's spell checker does not recognize the word "blogosphere." That's funny.
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