This Star Tribune story notes how bloggers contributed to Daschle's defeat:
Political campaigns have traditionally been won and lost on the turf of grass-roots voter turnout, fueled by attacks on television and radio. But in this era of American politics, perhaps the most divisive in history, the political battlegrounds are shifting.
The war games are increasingly being waged not just on the streets and through the airwaves, but on the Internet. As a result, bloggers are beginning to dominate the battles, not just the politicos and the traditional media.
Two years ago, in the world of political blogs, there wasn't any contest. Conservatives held the advantage and, with the exception of, clearly dominated. Last year, local authors John Hinderaker and Scott Johnson teamed with Paul Mirengoff to lead their blog, Power Line, to Time magazine's "Blog of the Year" award. Also, Tom Daschle became the first U.S. Senate party leader to lose a reelection bid in 52 years when John Thune beat him in South Dakota, thanks in no small part to a couple of bloggers employed by the Thune campaign.
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