David Kranz, the dean of South Dakota political reporters, gets around to reporting on the National Journal article about Stephanie Herseth. More importantly, note that the first half of the article is dedicated to Herseth's "vocal champion" status on ethanol. The Argus doesn't seem to understand the difference between saying you support ethanol and actually accomplishing something. Our colleague Quentin Riggins noted this last year during the energy bill debate:
Where does that leave us? Since Daschle's ouster, an energy bill has now passed and will soon become the law of the land. Before Daschle's ouster, an energy bill could not get passed, even one that did not contain the controversial MTBE and ANWR provisions. Despite the tendentious claims and outright falsehoods by the embittered former Daschle staffers, the energy bill, with its ethanol provisions so important for South Dakota, could not have become law without the critical support, hard work, and effectiveness of Senator John Thune.
It will be some time yet before we ever see Kranz devote a column to Senator Thune taking charge on ethanol. Apparently a strong voice is more important than delivering results.
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