Interested reader S.U. sends us this kind and thoughtful note.
First off, I enjoy your reading your site to stay abreast of issues in SD and
the nation. I just read your post about the Stem Cell Veto and wanted to
provide some facts that I heard on a Focus on the Family broadcast
( had a few informed experts discussing this issue.
First off the media has been spouting the 400,000 embryo's, but what they
aren't saying is that only 2% of them would be donated at this time.
The other, more important fact, is that there is a use for these embryo's that
aren't used. When Bush signed the veto, he had surrounding him many children.
These children were the result of a special adoption process. This process
connects parents that want the embryos with parents that don't have a use for
the embryos (2% of 400,000). So, there is a way to contine their "lives"
without destroying them.
It just so happens that on hearing this, my wife and I are thinking of this
option, as our firstborn suffers from a severe genetic illness. Also, I don't
agree that if they couldn't be used, that we should use them for science.
There is a line that the human race shouldn't cross. While we can't control
the world, we can stop this in our states and nations.
They also talked about how embrionic stem cells haven't been used ever to try
and treat anything, but that's getting out of the scope of my objections.
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