Republicans want you to answer the above question in the negative. People like Peter Beinart want you to answer in the affirmative. Beinart's case is not helped by the likes of Ted Rall. Here's an excerpt from a Rall column entitled Americans Don't, And Shouldn't, Care About The War On Terror:
Beinart was wrong about Iraq in 2003; he supported a preemptive strike just in case Saddam had WMDs. He's wrong again now. Contrary to the counsel proffered by his DLC-influenced militant moderates, Democrats would be smarter to recognize the war on terror as a distraction from the real issues--such as jobs, inflation and healthcare--that most Americans worry about. Let the GOP have the terrorism "issue." It reinforces how out of touch the Republicans are with the everyday concerns of the American people.
The responsible left should disown Rall and his argument. One wonders if such a reasonable left still exists?
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