Representative Herseth gets hammered in today's Argus Leader for being a "rat fink":
It's interesting that when the Taliban Republicans call for a constitutional amendment declaring that marriage is between a man and a woman, Rep. Stephanie Herseth supports the President. Herseth seldom disagrees with the Republican ideology, if it risks winning re-election.
Real Democrats (like the ones who vote) should stop supporting Herseth and send a clear message to the South Dakota party hacks that rat finks pretending to be Democrats aren't acceptable. Don't vote for Herseth.
She supported the budget-busting war that brings kids home in body bags, she's done nothing about the deficit spending and she supports the bloated defense budget. What in the world do Democratic voters see in this loser? There's nothing in her voting record that resembles the Democratic agenda.
Bill R. Thomas
Sioux Falls
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