At last we have an explanation for one of the great mysteries of American constitutional law. From
MANILA, The Philippines - A Philippine judge who claimed he could see into the future and admitted consulting imaginary mystic dwarfs has asked for his job back after being sacked by the country’s Supreme Court.
“They should not have dismissed me for what I believed,” Florentino Floro, a trial judge in the capital’s Malabon northern suburb, told reporters after filing his appeal.
Floro was sacked last month and fined $780 (40,000 pesos) after a three-year investigation found he was incompetent, had shown bias in a case he was trying and had criticized court procedure, a ruling showed.
He told investigators that three mystic dwarfs -- Armand, Luis and Angel -- helped him carry out healing sessions during breaks in his chambers.
The Supreme Court said it was not within its expertise to conclude that Floro was insane, but agreed with the court clinic’s finding that he was suffering from psychosis.
Now consider the following language from Griswold v. Connecticut:
Specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance. See Poe v. Ullman, 367 U.S. 497, 516-522 (dissenting opinion). Various guarantees create zones of privacy.
Penumbras? Emanations? Life and Substance? Twilight Zones of privacy? For a long time I thought that this was point at which the drugs took affect. Surely such terms can have no meaning in constitutional reasoning. Now the scales fall from my eyes. Mr. Justice Douglas was channeling for mystic dwarfs. Justices Armand, Luis, and Angel co-wrote the opinion.
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