David Kranz, political analyst for the Argus Leader, called for racial/gender quotas on the Sioux Falls city council a few days ago:
It's time for another woman, or a minority, on the Sioux Falls City Council.
Council members already have started casting about for a replacement, after Darrin Smith announced last week that he'd resign after six years on the council.
Kermit Staggers, for instance, has suggested that one candidate ought to be former Minnehaha County Commissioner Jerry Noonan - a white man - who lost a race last month against incumbent De Knudson, the council's only woman.
But we need to be more imaginative than that. It's time all government bodies, especially the council, began to reflect the community - half women and increasingly minority.
Argus chief editor Randell Beck does the same thing in today's paper. What's wrong with picking the best qualified person, instead of basing the selection on a person's skin color or gender? That said, watch for the left to silence this debate.
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