If Tom Daschle were alive (as a living Senator in office, that is), his opinion on the Dubai port control issue would certainly be newsworthy. It is curious that John Thune's opinion is in fact in the news. Bob Novak writes a column the politics of the port issue, and notes Thune's discomfort.
It is not merely New Yorkers King and Fossella and other lawmakers with ports in their districts who have spoken out. In South Dakota, far from saltwater, freshman Sen. John Thune said Arab management of the ports gave him "heartburn." With Congress in recess, Thune typified lawmakers encountering massive public resistance back home. That mood was generated by the feeding frenzy on cable television and the Internet that, in turn, was triggered by bipartisan Congressional attacks.
Thune is, of course, doing his job, which is to represent the people of South Dakota. But another part of his job as Senator is to advise and consent (or not) to the President's foreign policy. A coherent policy on this matter must take into account the fact that the UAE has been one of the most reliably allies in our Mideast foreign policy. It looks like we will get full Senate hearings on the Dubai question. One can only hope that the loyalty of our allies is taken seriously in that process.
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