Democratic Governor of Pennsylvania Ed Rendell has endorsed Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court. Here's part of the transcript from Fox News.
ED RENDELL: I believe he's a qualified judge. He sits on the third circuit
court of appeals in Philadelphia. I don't know if you know this bill,
my wife is a third circuit court judge.
HEMMER: I'm aware of that. It should give you pretty good knowledge of him?
RENDELL: Right. She has a high opinion of his integrity and his academic
standards. She deals agrees with him on a number of cases and agrees with
him on some. I disagree with a lot of his positions on cases, but I think
the tests should always be one party wins the election. As long as the
Supreme Court justice is appointed who has high academic qualifications,
significant integrity and judge Alito certainly does, we should confirm
him regardless of our disagreement on the way he may interpret one aspect
of the law. I think we've fallen into such partisanship in DC. Not just
in this but in so many things, it's in some way ways tearing the country
It's not secret that I find Gov. Rendell's logic impecable. I am not sure that we give a president whatever he wants just because he won an election, but I do think that when a judge of high legal quality and of sound ethics comes before the Senate, that judge deserves confirmation. No one disputes Judge Alito's excellence as a judge or his integrity. The only reason to oppose him is for low political purposes. I think Senator Kyl is right on the money (and welcome to our new colleague, Mr. Freeman). One wonders what Tim Johnson will do? If he opposes Samuel Alito, what reason could he give other than conservatives don't belong on the Supreme Court.
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