Kevin Woster raises the question of whether the Argus Leader is biased and gets this response from a reader:
The Argus biased??? Say it ain’t so Kevin! What were you, born on Mars??? The Argus has repeatedly attempted to sway public opinion and the election process with their “unbiased reporting”. Ask any of the candidates it DIDN’T endorse…Do you think its it fair for the State’s largest paper to endorse one candidate over another??? Does that lead to a “more informed electorate”? And by the way, what collective knowledge well are the editors of the Argus drinking from that the voters of South Dakota aren’t given access? Its plain that the Thune camp just said what the other “victims” haven’t…The Argus doesn’t just give the facts, it gives its spin. If you don’t believe me, ask the Governor… the current and most favored whipping boy for the Argus. The Argus deserves this criticism and should take inventory of its policies. The Argus fast approaching Yellow Journalism, Mr. Kane. If the editor(s) of the Argus have an OPINION, let him/her write a letter like the rest of us and print it with the rest of the concerned citizens…otherwise, REPORT, not OPINE. I have enough bird cage liner, thank you very much.
P.S. Apparently the current “burning issue” of the Governor’s Hunt list isn’t gaining the traction the Argus thought it would, so its expanding its range of fire—otherwise that and the airplane rides would still be Front Page, Above the Fold. (By the way, did you see that the FAA gave the thumbs up to the Governor? HMMM, still think they are unbiased?)
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