Jon L. below links to this piece, by David from today's Northern Valley Beacon, which offers up "News from the Brown County Democrats." I know David, though not well, as he was still teaching at Northern when I arrived there, and on one occasion I responded to a column of his in the local paper in a "Reader's Response" piece. That was before I began writing my own column.
David is always fun to read, precisely because he tends to a bit of hysteria now and then. Saturday's blog is no exception, so I pose a few questions for this Northern Valley Beacon.
1. You say "The Republicans need a fuehrer to lead their party." I voted Republican, as I expect my fellows here at South Dakota Politics did. Do you really believe that we are Nazis for doing so? Or is it rather the case that everyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi?
2. You say that Howard Dean will "moderate among the party's diverse
members, listen with respect (a word no longer in the Republican
Newspeak Dictionary)." But you imply that everyone who disagrees with you on the war in Iraq, or the budget, must do so not because they have thought it through and come to a different conclusion, but because they need a Fuehrer. Is this what you mean by "listening with respect."
3. You say that Dean "will not tolerate the political shysterism evident from the [Republican]
party's character assassination attempt on Harry Reid to the local
hate-chants of its cadre of bloggers." But hasn't strident criticism of the other side always been a feature of democratic politics, here and elsewhere? Isn't it a "hate-chant" by bloggers to compare Bush to Hitler, as Moveon.Org did, or as you do here? Of do you believe that only conservative hate-chants are deplorable?
4. You say that "Rather than compromise with the neo-conservatives, many Democrats would
rather create a new nation under the old principles of our Declaration
and Constitution." Did it escape your notice that we just had an election; that people voted and electors were chosen; that Bush won fair and square by constitutional rules. Aren't these precisely the principles that are enshrined in both documents?
5. Isn't the real trouble that you lost an election and you just aren't grown up enough to take it? So when you say "The two parties are no longer political opponents. They are bitter enemies locked in war about what America will become," this is really nothing more than an adolescent pout. You are making a gesture of taking your marbles and going home. That is assuming you haven't lost them.
6. Did it occur to you that Al Franken runs a "hate-filled talk show," and that if you looked up "hate-filled, witless blogger" in the dictionary, you just might find your own picture?
Update: When I wrote the above questions I had assumed that the subtitle of Northern Valley Beacon, "News from S. Dakota Democrats," implied that the blog represented a number of persons, as SouthDakotaPolitics does. Looking at it more carefully, this is a misrepresentation. There is only one bulb in this beacon, and it produces a lot more heat than light.
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