Many years ago (1990 to be precise) Pepperdine law professor F. Largard Smith wrote a book called When Choice Becomes God that argues against the idea that maximizing individual choice is the supreme good, absent any thought about how our choices might effect our fellow man. The worship of choice ultimately is just the worship of ourselves.
Now girlfriday brings our attention to the Planned Parenthood "Holiday Card" which asks us to celebrate "Choice on Earth." One can only laugh. Imagine the mentality that finds the deepest meaning of the Christmas, oops!, I mean "Holiday" season in "Choice on Earth."
By the way, the kernel of truth in the PP worship of "choice" is that most of us dislike being told what to do. Generally speaking, we all like to be "free to choose." Don't conservatives who, dare I say it, worship the market believe in the value of choice? The error is when we believe that a choice is good only to the extent it is chosen freely, rather than evaluating a choice based on what is actually chosen. Also, people disagree on what it means to be free. To make a generalization, and thus ignore the nuance, some think that freedom is nothing more than the absence of external constraint. Others believe, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
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