I want to mention something in regards to Prof. Blanchard's Wal-Mart post. Last week Aberdeen Mayor Mike Levson was on campus to talk about what ever anyone wanted to talk about. Wal-Mart and community development came up. I am going to quote from memory, so forgive me if I get some numbers wrong, but Mayor Levson said that in his first six months or so as Mayor the city got virtually zero contacts from businesses looking to set up shop in Aberdeen. Once the city voted to allow Super Wal-Mart to build they started getting an inquiry every week. Again, I might have the numbers wrong as my memory is fallible, but the overall point remains. The entry of Wal-Mart into a market sends a signal to other businesses that the water in this town is fine, so come on in. I for one am happy Super Wal-Mart is coming and that Aberdeen has an excellent mayor like Mike Levsen who works very hard to build our economic base.
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