Allow me to interupt the string of light-hearted posts that preceed this one, and note that the Iraqis are going to the polls for the third time this year. What should we look for to judge the success of the election? As in the previous cases, it is people voting with their feet, by walking to the polls to vote, that is crucial. See the Washington Post graphic on the election. Here's what I would look for.
- Security for polling places. The two previous elections were astonishingly free from carnage. Let us fondly hope and fervently pray that this trend continues.
- Overall Turnout. It would be good to see the turnout beat both of the previous elections, especially since this one will actually produce the first democratic government in the Arab world.
- Turnout in Sunni regions. While the Sunnis participated in impressive numbers in the last election, it will important to see increased turnout in this one. Incorporating the Sunni Arab population into the new government is probably the single most important step in establishing an Iraqi republic.
- Turnout in Rahmadi and Fallujah. This will indicate that the breeding grounds of the indigenous insurgency have decided to join the new Iraq.
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