A letter to the editor from the Omaha World Herald:
Now that U.S. Sen. Chuck Hagel has joined the liberal Democrats (our own Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson is not one) and voted to filibuster the Patriot Act, it is time for him to go.
Since President Bush has been in office, Sen. Hagel has done everything in his power to hurt the president's initiatives so Hagel can be called a "maverick." Now he is so arrogant that he doesn't even care if he is hurting us.
It is obvious even to the casual observer that Sen. Hagel is cut out of the same political cloth as Bill Clinton, who moistened a finger and stuck it in the air to decide what to say on any particular day. Nebraska deserves better.
Chuck Hagel is an embarrassment. I'll bet he can find a job back on the East Coast somewhere. I'm sure he and his politics would fit in much better there.
John Larsen, Elkhorn, Neb.
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