A new poll released by The Washington Post and ABC News reports that a majority of the nation supports the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito.
"The survey found that 54 percent of the public say the Senate should confirm
Alito while 28 percent say he should not be approved. That marks a modest
increase in public support for Alito since November, when 49 percent said he
should be confirmed and 29 percent said he should not. In both surveys,
about one in five Americans said they did not yet know enough about the
nominee to have an opinion."
However, just because the nation supports his nomination, it does not mean automatic qualification, with threatened filibusters and other wrangling by lawmakers. Alito though is now as popular as Chief Justice Roberts was at this point in time on the eve of his confirmation hearings earlier this year.
The poll also found that abortion is playing a role in their feelings about Alito's nomination, but is not playing the decisive roll that many thought it may have played.
"Six in 10 say they hope Alito would vote to uphold Roe while just over a
third say they want him to vote to overturn it. But a majority of the
public--55 percent--said it was only of limited importance that Alito
supported their position on abortion. Seventeen percent said it was
'extremely important' and 26 percent said it was 'very important'."
You can read the whole story here
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