Last week Democratic Senator and former Vice-Presidential candidate Joe Lieberman made the argument in favor of American troops staying in Iraq, basing his argument on the various positive steps taken in that country. Today the chair of Sen. Lieberman's party, Howard Dean, says, the "idea that we're going to win the war in Iraq is an idea which is just plain wrong" (read the story here).
Tom Bevan of Realclear responds:
Dean hit all the highlights: Comparison to Vietnam. Check. Call for immediate withdrawal. Check. Bush lied. Check. Comparison to Watergate. Check.
In all seriousness, Howard Dean is not some yahoo, he's the national voice of the Democratic party and his comments - saying Iraq is unwinnable and calling for the immediate withdrawal of 80,000 troops less than two weeks before Iraq goes to the polls - unquestionably furthers the perception that Democrats are the party of cut and run. This is a horrendous political mistake and it puts even more pressure on Democrats like Clinton, Biden, et al to respond to the question: Does Howard Dean speak for your party?
Michelle Malkin notes that Dean has been cozing up to American supporters of Venezualean strong man Hugo Chavez.
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