In a recent blog, Poll Cats, I noted something that the press has been largely silent about: that the Democrats in Congress have been polling as bad or worse than Congressional Republicans or President Bush. A Harris Poll that had Bush at 34% had Democrats at 31%. I think the relentless assault on Bush has played a big roll in depressing his approval ratings. I have no quarrel with the Donkeys over this, as I believe that this is what opposition parties are for. As for why they have been gaining little traction by this strategy, I suggested the following:
I humbly submit that this is because the Democrat's strategy right now is so transparent. With no policy of their own, they have been following the polls with the perfect alignment of a compass needle next to a bar magnet. They may well be succeeding in their purpose, which is to depress Bush's numbers even further. But they are hardly offering an honest alternative to Bush.
The Cook Political Report has a poll that confirms my submission. The poll asks this question:
When Dems Criticize Bush's Policy In Iraq, Do You Think They Are Trying To Gain Partisan Advantage Or Believe It Will Help US' Efforts In Iraq?
Of those polled, 51% said that the Dems were trying to gain partisan advantage. Only 31% thought that they were really trying to help US efforts in Iraq. Independent voters agreed 45/36%. The Democratic strategy is indeed transparent.
In answer to the following question:
Should US Military Withdraw Troops Immediately Regardless Of Impact, As Iraq Meets Goals, Or Set Fixed Publicly Available Timetable For Withdrawal?
the results were 16% for immediate withdrawal, and 30% for a fixed timetable. But 49% favored withdrawal only as "goals were met." Make no mistake about it, the war and President Bush are right now suffering a serious loss of support among the electorate. But most of the respondents recognize that the strategy that Bush is in fact implementing is the only reasonable strategy available. So far, the Iraqis have been meeting every goal at the time it was set.
I don't blame anyone, Democrat or otherwise, who criticizes the war policy. There are certainly good reasons for opposing the war. But those put short term political strategy over long term foreign policy goals have to take responsibility for the effect that their speech has on our troops. In response to this question:
When Dem Sens Criticize Bush's Policy On Iraq War, Does It Help/Hurt Morale Of Troops In Iraq?
70% recognized the obvious, that it hurts the morale of the troops. Imagine the soldiers patrolling the streets of Baghdad, or going into battle at the Syrian border. How must they feel when Democrats keep saying over and over that they are dieing for nothing? I can do no better here than to re-post the quote posted below by my esteemed colleague Mr. Heppler.
I am just disgusted when I see and hear reports calling for the pullout of our military from Iraq. The American people do not see what really goes on here, all they see is what the media wants them to…and I think that we all know that the media likes to put a negative spin on it as well. I am here to tell you that everyday we are winning over the hearts of the people of Iraq. If you could see the smiling faces that I have seen you would know that we are making a difference in this country. I volunteered for the military, no one made me sign on that dotted line. Let me stay here and finish what we have started Mr. Murtha.
Those are not the words of any chicken hawk. They are the words of an American soldier in Iraq.
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