I blogged on the Patriot Act a couple days ago. Now the only radio talk show host I can stand, the very intelligent Dennis Prager, takes up the fight. Although the column in its entirety is a bit weak, I appreciate the following comment and note it is not just leftist who are hysterical over the Patriot Act:
The Patriot Act: According to leftist spokesmen and groups, the Patriot Act is a grave threat to liberty and democracy. It is frequently likened to the tactics of a fascist state. This is pure hysteria. The Los Angeles Times recently published statistics concerning the use of the Act. Through 2004, of the 7,136 complaints to the Justice Department's inspector general, one was related to the Patriot Act. The number of "sneak and peek" warrants, allowing searches without telling a subject, totaled 155. The number of roving wiretaps was 49, and the number of personal records seizures under Section 215 of the Act was 35.
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