Sibby is noting how Steve Hildebrand, who is still be paid by Tom Daschle to attack Senator Thune, was enjoying how "Ellsworth Air Force Base [was] biting John Thune in the butt":
In my earlier post I showed how Tom Daschle is the poster child for partisan politics. Remember Daschle’s phone interveiw saying he didn’t have a phone access to call and congratulate john Thune. And we have Steve Hildebrand’s statement from the Washington Post report titled, Thune Delivers on Campaign Vow:
Steve Hildebrand, Daschle's campaign manager, said Thune, who won by two percentage points after losing a Senate race two years before, is likely to have a strong challenger when he seeks reelection in 2010. "He's still going to have to watch his back every step of the way," Hildebrand said.
And in a August 4, 2005 email titled, SD Politics Progressive Style, Hildebrand admitted to making Ellsworth a political issue:
With the future of Ellsworth Air Force Base biting John Thune in the butt, he is working hard to quiet progressive voices (like mine) who have been critical of his leadership flaws since taking office in January.
Like seeing Thune sweat it out? Keep the pressure on!
It was Hildebrand and his blogging boys who wanted to turn Ellsworth into a political circus, and they still do. And now they want to shut me up when it is the teamwork and nonpartisan efforts that is the story of the day. This is just another example of how they blame others for crap that they themselves are guilty of. The Daschle Democrats are still playing politics, and I am still standing up to their crap. This doesn't mean that I want them silenced and it never did.
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