The "Northern Professors" have been away from this blog for a bit. I myself spent much of the merry month of June on my native soil of Arkansas, and a bit exploring the surreal estate of Disney World with my family. And no sooner had I set foot back in the territories than Professor Schaff and I were called away to Boise to spend a couple of weeks with Idaho teachers, discussing the Civil War. Update: the cause was slavery, and Lincoln was the hero.
Hopefully, for those who like our brand of blogging, we are back in front of our respective screens and will be posting again. For those who don't like it, sorry.
One quick note: I attended a meeting in Pierre last week, and was able to ask our Secretary of State an important question. Rumours had it that South Dakota would be installing touch screen voting machines, replacing the paper ballots that all of us are used to. I thought this to be a very disburbing rumour, but thankfully it is false. We will keep our paper ballots. Touch screen machines will be available to disabled voters, but those machines will merely record the voter's preference on paper. I am of the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" school, and the number two lead pencil strikes me as a dependable tool of democracy. At least a good ole fashioned paper ballot can be recounted, with no hanging chads to contend with.
And by the way, Disney World is really fun.
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