PP at SD War College thinks he's solved one of the riddles of SD blogosphere:
At the Bipartisan Blogging Summit luncheon today in Pierre, Todd Epp and I briefly talked about who the Blog Watch Man might be. And, it really piqued my curiosity. Sibby has an APB out on it, others have speculated. Basically, everybody is wondering who SD Blogdom's favorite classroom monitor is. And I think I got it.
More: It seems that Blog Watch Man has quit after being revealed:
SDBWM's identity has been revealed. This is likely my last post here. Thanks to all who have supported me in the past. Blessings to my good friends at South Dakota Watch, S.D. War College, the Holabird Advocate, Black Marks on Wood Pulp, etc. My identity will make it impossible to post regularly and without an impact on my family. I truly loved blogging here but would rather do so in anonymity, which is too difficult for some to understand.
The S.D. Blogosphere is a vibrant place that contributes much to the political and social agenda in the state. There are some fine blogs and some awful blogs. Some blogs that have improved dramatically and some that have slipped in quality. And some that will always be bad. I'll still be around to post comments, etc., but don't want to remain in a blogosphere interested in unmasking my identity.
BWM was funny and posted some interesting things, but he also bashed several people while hiding behind anonymity, which he should have known would cause problems. Good luck BWM.
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