Today's New York Times features an article about the difficult weeks ahead for the Senate during the Supreme Court nominee confirmation fight:
The Senate braced on Friday for a Supreme Court confirmation fight that threatens to strain a tenuous new agreement on handling court nominations and plunge the chamber back into partisan strife.
Even though President Bush has not announced a nominee, some leading Democrats made clear that they would oppose any candidate whom they judged too conservative, particularly because the candidate would replace Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, a moderate.
"If the president abuses his power and nominates someone who threatens to roll back the rights and freedoms of the American people, then the American people will insist that we oppose that nominee, and we intend to do so," Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, said on the Senate floor.
Will South Dakota Senator Tim Johnson vote for President Bush's nominee or join the opposition forces led by Kennedy?
p.s. welcome back to our jet-setting profs!
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