From Michelle Malkin:
He just doesn't shut up. Fortunately, the vigilant bloggers at Pirate Ballerina continue to track the nutty professor's bloviations. At a forum on "conscientious objection and resistance to military recruiters" in Portland on Friday, Churchill seemed to suggest support for fragging--troops murdering their own on the battlefield--as an effective anti-war tactic.
The article by PB is here:
Ward Churchill, harsh and scolding, at a forum on Conscientious Objection and resistance to military recruiters in Portland, Oregon Friday:
For those of you who do, as a matter of principle, oppose war in any form, the idea of supporting a conscientious objector who's already been inducted [and] in his combat service in Iraq might have a certain appeal.
But let me ask you this: Would you render the same support to someone who hadn't conscientiously objected, but rather instead rolled a grenade under their line officer in order to neutralize the combat capacity of their unit?After discussing the effectiveness of fragging officers in Vietnam, Churchill says (26:48):
You cannot maintain a military projection of force in the field when your own troops are taking out the line officers who are directing them in combat. It is as simple as that. Conscientious objection removes a given piece of the cannon fodder from the fray; fragging an officer has a much more impactful effect.
Later, during the Q&A (:1:13:31):
Questioner: I think it's important when you're getting into a discussion of violence and appropriate violence and self-defense, of starting to look at what you're trying to build there, what you're trying to create—for example, fragging an officer, which you were talking about before, at the beginning of your talk, the sort of trauma that that inflicts on that officer's family back home is I feel like an important thing to take into account when you try to think about what your action is trying to accomplish in the first place. I really feel like I can articulate [my question] properly, but that's the general direction I'm heading with it.
Churchill: How do you feel about Adolf Eichmann's family?
Also, from PB, Churchill is also trying to weasle his way out of his "little Eichmann's" statement, citing a "faulty grammar-checker."
Embattled ethnic studies professor Ward Churchill is blaming the debacle of the last five months on a faulty grammar-checker, saying that his infamous "roosting chickens" essay about the 9/11 terrorist attacks wasn't taken out of context, it was just not well-edited.
"I'm surprised nobody noticed this before," a red-faced Churchill said at a hastily-called press conference Friday, "but I have to admit that even I didn't notice it until just this morning. ..."
Churchill told the estimated crowd of 200 local and national journalists that a recently-installed freeware grammar-checker, "Gramma-Cheka", had changed what he typed—"little Entenmann's" (referring to the popular brand of donuts and pastries)—to "little Eichmanns." The change went unnoticed despite widespread internet distribution as well as an expansion into a book-length work. ...
"I mean, really," Churchill said, "what kind of idiot would liken 3,000 innocent victims to Adolf Eichmann?"
I would also recommend the numerous previous posts done by Ms. Malkin (see this link). Historical fabrication isn't the only thing Churchill is guilty of. He's also been guilty of selling fake art, advocating terrorism, and plagarism.
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