The Leftist South Dakota Blogosphere is beside themselves in elation over Ellsworth's inclusion on the BRAC list released this morning. Any faux disappointment is plainly transparent as the left's rule since becoming the minority party is to hope for news that is potentially damaging to the right (see Afghanistan, Iraq, "jobless recovery" myth", etc). What has transpired today is no different. While Sen. Thune campaigned that he would have the President as an audience when it comes to base closure, he did not go so far as to promise Ellsworth's future. Although what he did claim may have been exaggerated in its own right, it was a no more obnoxious claim than Daschle's dubious claim that he single handedly had Ellsworth removed during the last round of closures. The Left's claims that the Congressional leadership's districts where spared cuts because the of their appointments to the BRAC commission shows either a knowing disregard for the truth or an unfamiliarity with the BRAC procedure. The list released today was compiled by the Pentagon, not the BRAC commission. The list is now in the hands of the BRAC commission for determination of its fate. The commission may add or subtract bases from the list. To do so requires 7 of 9 commissioners to agree to the change, no small feat with substantial military rationale given for the change. To wit, the BRAC Commission had nothing to do with the formation of the closure and realignment list released today. It is unfortunate the left would play politics with what is supposed to be an apolitical issue, but given their desire for electoral success in the name of setbacks for state and country, it is not surprising.
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