This says it all (from Todd Epp):
Lunch today at Sanaa's 8th Street Gourmet in Sioux Falls included the following foursome: Sen. Jim Abourezk, Sen. George McGovern, Mayor Dave Munson, and Argus columnist Dave Kranz.
Remember that many of the bombshell memos (that you can find on the right of the blog) involved old memos found in the Arbourezk archives in which Kranz was described as a Democratic Party loyalist who wants to help Democrats and undermine Republicans using his newspaper platform.
Note the saying we use to have in my hometown of Mitchell (from a 1986 Argus Leader, written by former lieutenant governor Lowell Hansen):
When Kranz was the editor of the Mitchell Daily Republic, he was an unapologetic promoter of Democratic candidates for political office. During the golden years of the Democratic party in South Dakota, folks like Kneip, Jimmy Carter, and George McGovern beat a path to Kranz's door. In Mitchell, they used to have a saying: "When George McGovern sneezes, it's Dave Kranz who catches the cold."
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