Al Neuharth, former CEO of Gannett, which owns the Argus, was present at Daschle's shindig at USD yesturday. Here's what he has to say about South Dakotans.
[Al] Neuharth took a sharper tone. He criticized South Dakota voters who turned against native sons Hubert Humphrey and McGovern in the 1968 and 1972 presidential elections.
"Everyone knows now our country would have been much better off if either Hubert Humphrey or George McGovern would have beat Richard Milhouse Nixon," said Neuharth, who likened their defeats to Daschle's last year.
"I say in that election, shame on those selfish, special-interest out-of-staters who pumped large money and bigger lies into South Dakota to mislead voters and defeat Tom."
Thanks for calling South Dakota voters dumb, Al.
UPDATE: What "lies" does he mean here? Daschle "In His Own words" did him in and the Dems know it. This rhetoric about "lies" is a convenient fiction they've invented to explain their loss. Just another example of Gannett/Argus covering for Daschle.
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