Jeremy "I want to rip Thune's n--- off" Funk, also known for advertising "F---
John Thune" t-shirts, has been stalking Thune since 2001. Literally. The
FORMER DASCHLE STAFFER was arrested in 2002 for tailgating Thune. Here's
some more info. Last summer, a reader reminds us, Thune campaign manager
Dick Wadhams got tired of Funk's stalking and called Funk a "chickenshit" at
yet another event where Funk was stalking Thune with a video camera. Then
guess what...the Daschle campaign complained about the terrible "startling
meanness" toward Funk! The Daschle press release: "Berating young staffers
and referring to public issues with obscenities is not how we do things here
in South Dakota." AL, 10-10-04. OMIGOD! How did the young stalker who
envisions doing violence to Thune and who advertises "F--- John Thune" t-shirts
possibly withstand such an assault by Wadhams!?!? Oh, and don't forget that
Funk and Daschle campaign manager Steve Hildebrand have started a new
organization dedicated to attacking Thune. Good work guys, you're making
Senator Daschle proud!
Funk has also taken the time to call me a derogatory name because I took Dave Kranz to task in a recent column for taking quotes from Sen. Thune out of context. Funk thinks that this is fine because "Senator Tom Daschle was clearly joking when he said he was a “D.C. Resident." Please, last time I checked reporters were supposed to be objective campaigns are not. If Dave Kranz wants to quit his day job and go to work making campaign commericals it wouldn't bother me a bit. Since he's still writing for a newspaper he should try a little harder not to take quotes out of context.
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