CNN – INSIDE POLITICS – Sens. Thune and Obama interview on judicial nominees and ss
CNN 4/27/2005 4:09:40 PM
JUDY WOODRUFF: with me now to talk about a range of topics making headlines in the nation's capitol, two senators just begins their first terms in the upper chamber, republican john thune and democrat barack obama is from illinois. gentlemen, good to have you with us. senator obama, to you first, on this dispute over the president's judicial nominees. yesterday harry reid the democratic leader says he's willing to compromise but the republican leader, senator frist made it very clear that he wants an up or down vote on every single one of these. have the democrats waited too long to show a willingness to compromise here?
SENATOR BARACK OBAMA: no, i don't think the democrats have waited too long. we've been willing to compromise all along. look, you have a situation here where the president has gotten 90 to 95% of his appointees. he basically wants 100%. we understand that he wants 100% but when you look at the judges that he has seeking to reappoint they aren't the kinds of judges that are well in the mainstream of american legal thinking. and so we've said that we're willing to give on a couple of these judges but it doesn't make sense for us to simply give away our prerogatives to advise and consent. that's the job of the senate. it always has been.
WOODRUFF: senator thune, if the democrats are prepared to compromise, why wouldn't your party?
SENATOR JOHN THUNE: it shouldn't come as any surprise that barrack and i disagree. this president has the worst confirmation rate of any president in event history. the ten he submitted in the last congress he resubmitted seven of those names. these are people who are extremely well qualified for the bench. people who have gotten wide support from their states. priscilla owen got an 84% rating in texas. these are people who deserve an up and down vote in the united states. i think people across the country see this as an issue of fairness. these people but their good name forward. they deserve to be voted on. they are being held up in the senate.
WOODRUFF: if it is that clear, senator obama, why can't this get straightened out?
SEN. OBAMA: i think this actually can get straightened out if there's a little give on the other side. look, everybody thinks that we should have a judicial confirmation process that is more civil than the one that existed right now. keep in mind president clinton had 60 of his judges bottled up under some of the same leadership that is now complaining about fairness or up and down votes. historically there has been an effort on the part of the president to come to the senate, and come to senators from both parties, and say, let's put together a list of people who admittedly are going to be conservative because we have a conservative president but also fit within the mainstream of judicial thinking. that's the kind of approach we should take this time out. if we do i think we can put some of these bitter judicial nomination issues aside and get to the business of healthcare and education and some of the things that both john's constituents and my constituents sent us here to work on.
WOODRUFF: senator thune, i want to turn you both to the subject of social security. president bush has been talking about private accounts, personal account, for many days now. many weeks. and apparently right now there's not even agreement among your own party, among republicans, what does this mean for the president's initiative, for his proposal to reform?
SEN. THUNE: first of all, right now they are holding hearings up here in the senate finance committee, senator grassley has convened hearings on the subject. frankly i think what he's saying is the correct approach. everything ought to be on the table. the president has come forward with some concepts, some proposals he has put forward. right now what we're waiting for is for the democrats to come up with some alternatives. i think it's fair to say we have a problem. everybody acknowledges that. the question is what are we going to do to solve it? as of right now the only people who are leading with any solutions or any suggestions about how to address the long-term solvency of social security are folks on our side. and i think, frankly, that if we're going to have a spirited debate on this issue, i think we should it has to be a two-way debate. just suggesting not doing anything is not a solution. it's a choice but it's a bad choice. this is a problem that needs to be addressed. if we don't address it now we pile mountains and trillions of dollars of debt on future generations, on our children and grandchildren. that's why i think people in this country expect the country to lead on it. it is going to require some bipartisan cooperation to get it done.
WOODRUFFF: is senator thune right the democrats are just saying no and not bearing their own responsibility in all this?
SEN. OBAMA: actually it's not the democrats are saying no, it's the american people who are saying no. the president has been trying to sell this thing for 60 days now. and the support for it gets worse and worse. the reason is that the american people understand social security is that bedrock social security insurance that makes sure we don't have seniors in poverty. people in disabilities are not going to be impoverished. people who survive the loss of a spouse are not going to be impoverished and by the republicans own admission the president's plan doesn't solve the problem -- solve the solvency problem. the president's own officials have stated that privatization doesn't shore up the system. it, in fact, adds an extra two to five trillion worth of debt. john and i are both concerned about debt. i'm assuming john doesn't want to compound that debt with a privatization plan as has been put forward. what we said is let's take privatization, which is not going to solve solvency off the table. then let's come together in the spirit of bipartisanship the same way tip o'neill and ronald reagan came together in 1983 and solved the problem.
WOODRUFF: let me ask you both about the american people are looking at issue after issue in washington from the the judges to social security to john bolton, you name it, they are seeing disagreement. they are seeing gridlock. not seeing a lot of work getting done. senator thune are you worried that both parties, i mean including the leadership republican party, are going to be hurt by this lack of progress in washington?
SEN. THUNE: i think that what we're doing and i think the american people realize this, whether or not they agree with the direction, is that we are providing leadership. we're providing solutions. and as barak mentioned we're both very interested in moving an agenda that includes highway bill, energy bill, solutions to social security, but right now inasmuch as the democrats are not in favor of what we put forward they are not offering alternatives. i think the american people want to see us work constructively in a bipartisan way to solve the issue. i do think the issue on judges is important. if we do away with 214 years of precedent of american history is now say we're going to require a 60 vote majority to approve any supreme court or appellate court nominee that will be breaking with 214 years of precedent. that's wrong.
SEN. OBAMA: i don't want to squabble on this. i want to make sure we get the history right on this. every president has not had up or down votes on judges. that's the 200 years of history we're talking about. the republicans are essentially saying they are going to change the rules midstream in a way that sun precedented. even the advocates of the so-called nuclear option has said this will be an unprecedented step where we're going to change the rules in midstream. but going back to the earlier point, which i think is right. let me give you an example of something.
WOODRUFF: very quickly.
SEN. OBAMA: healthcare is an initial at every town hall meeting in south dakota or illinois people are talking about. we don't have a proposal on the table for that right now. i would love to work with john thune on that. we're going to need leadership on both side.
SEN. THUNE: we put a proposal out there. we're waiting for the democrats to come out with something.
WOODRDUR i would love to ask you both if this is what you came to washington to do to fight with the other guys.
SEN. THUNE: we came here to debate.
SEN. OBAMA: we're going to pass some bills together, no doubt about it.
WOODRUFF: we hear you. senator thune, senator obama, very good to see both of you.
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