Stephanie Herseth placed a "nay" vote on the Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act. You can see for yourself how she voted by going here.
In an upnote, the National Federation of Independent Business applauded the passing of the bill:
“Not too long ago, total death tax repeal seemed out of the question,” said NFIB President and CEO Jack Faris. “Today, it's not so far-fetched, because many members of Congress on both sides of the aisle have heard first-hand about how terribly unfair this tax is." ...
As the Joint Economic Committee and numerous other studies have made clear, the death tax is one of the most economically and socially destructive means of raising tax revenue. Annual death tax revenues today are only 1.4 percent of total federal receipts, but the social and economic costs the death tax imposes on family businesses and the American economy are far higher. The death tax discourages savings and investment, reduces wages and job creation, and is a leading cause of dissolution for thousands of family-run businesses.
Herseth voted against repealing a bill that, ultimately, was hurting South Dakota farmers, ranchers, and small business.
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