I forgot that I had a book edited by Ward Churchill entitled Marxism and Native Americans (South End Press, 1983). In the introduction, he mentions "the AIM people with whom I associate" (10) and the "drama unfolding in South Dakota" in 1973 (4), i.e. the Wounded Knee uprising. When explaining his "strange odyssey across the landscape of American leftism" (10) and how the book came together, he says "From the new stations I took up, first in South Dakota, then in Wyoming and finally in Colorado..." (7). I'm not sure what he means by "stations," but he must have spent some time in the state. Here's a new twist on Churchill's claim to be Native American from the Rocky Mountain News. More from Professor Reynolds, who, along with Professor Bainbridge, doesn't think Churchill should be canned like Ken does below. I tend to agree with them and think Churchill should be rigorously criticized, but we'll have to see how it plays out.
UPDATE: There's lots more here, including info about AIM kicking Churchill out in 1993. In the stuff about his Vietnam claims is the echo of Joseph Ellis.
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