Here are a couple of representative comments from the mailbag on the post this morning about an alleged South Dakota "inferiority complex" causing Daschle's defeat:
Secularists/adherents of naturalism will use ANY way they can to discount
non-material reality such as love, morals, principles, justice, etc. The
commentaries you cited all resort to this device. It is so prevalent in the
post-modern era we sometimes fail to notice it. I would guess that the
majority of South Dakotans are decidedly inhabitants of a world that rejects the presuppositions of postmodernism. So, when Uncle Tom identified more closely with his DC postmodernist buddies more than with his constituents, South Dakotans felt the mismatch and decided to line things up more the way they had been (or seemed to have been) when Daschle was first elected. Thune did a good job revealing Daschle for who he is.
Here is another from a reader who farms near my parents' hometown of Winfred, South Dakota (more on Winfred here):
Since when do we assign inferiority complexes to people who demand honesty and forthrightness from the politicians they send to represent them in Washington. I have a big problem with those who say we have an inferiority complex when we simply want integrity. Daschle became a liberal Democrat, whether by intent or not, as he moved up in the Democrat party ranks. He did get “too big for his britches” in some people’s minds as shown by his lifestyle in Washington DC and his sometimes condescending attitude. But most simply felt that Daschle now embraced ideas and values contrary to theirs and was not the same person as they elected 20+ years ago. To want a senator with views similar to mine and the majority of South Dakotan’s does not mean we have an inferiority complex. We are an intelligent, reasonable people in this state and deserve credit for such in this election.
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