Jay Reding has some excellent observations on the latest pro-Daschle push-polling tactics: "You Want Dirty Tricks? I'll Give You Dirty Tricks." Excerpt:
I think these "ministers" are referring to this, which appears to be an ad campaign aimed at pointing out the conflict presented by Ms. Linda being a lobbyist in the House while her husband is in a leadership position the Senate. (There's a point there, but an indirect one: Lobbying in the House is for a bill her husband would have to vote on, and organize for, in the Senate, eventually.)My problem with this isn't calling Thune on going after Linda Daschle: There's something there that may be off bounds, unless it directly impacts his ability to govern. It's using a "minister" who may or may not be in-state as a sort of faith-whip I find objectionable. Granted, I find lots of things objectionable about Tom Daschle, but for a man with a tenuous grip on his own religion (a paucity of grip shared by his Presidential nominee), this seems pretty bald-faced.
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