The Rapid City Journal's Kevin Woster has a report headlined "Abortion letter still an issue" that is a must-read. Kevin Woster's report is a stellar example of reporting the facts "without fear or favor." DVT has a paragraph-by-paragraph analysis of the piece that is also a must-read.
In Woster's report, Daschle made the following breathtaking statement:
"That letter was not intended to be a fund-raiser for NARAL whatsoever."
In the heart of that NARAL letter, written and signed by Senator Daschle, is this statement:
"Please give to NARAL today, so NARAL can mobilize the resources to get out the pro-choice vote on Election Day."
(Emphasis in original.) That NARAL e-mail written and signed by Daschle contained variations of the phrase "give to NARAL" no less than FIVE times. Yet now we're supposed to believe that Daschle did not intend it to be a fund-raising e-mail. Whether one is pro-life or pro-choice, the breathtaking dishonesty Daschle is exhibiting here should give one pause. Senator McGovern never made any pretense about his position on the issue of abortion, and I respect him for that. Senator Daschle is no Senator McGovern.
You can view a screen capture of Daschle's NARAL fund-raising e-mail below, which I obtained from this website:
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